스트리트 파이터 III 3rd 스트라이크: 파이트 포 더 퓨쳐 (일본판, 990608, NO CD)Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990608, NO CD)
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Original Roms Info (원본: 부모롬) 스트리트 파이터 III 3rd 스트라이크: 파이트 포 더 퓨쳐 (미국판, 990608) Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Euro 990608) |
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Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike : Fight For The Future (c) 1999 Capcom.
New characters Remy, Makoto, Q, and Twelve join the returning Street Fighter veteran Chun Li and the existing "Street Fighter III - Second Impact" cast in this third and final installment of Street Fighter III.
Capcom Play System III hardware (CPS III)
CD Number : CAP-33S000
CD Label : CAP-33S-1
Main CPU : Hitachi SH2 (possibly 2)
Storage : SCSI CD Rom, RAM and Flash ROM.
RAM : SIMMs on the left w/ 16M of data each (each has 8x 16M Flash ROMs, there's 4 SIMMs plugged in on this board). SIMMs on the right w/ 8M each (there's 4 Flash ROMs on each board and there are 2 SIMMs plugged in)
OSC : 60MHz. 42.9545MHz, XTAL 3.6864MHz.
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 6
= > [1] LP, [2] MP, [3] HP
= > [4] LK, [5] MK, [6] HK
This is the first Street Fighter game to adopt a rap/hip-hop urban theme.
Twelve's name is incorrectly spelt 'Tweleve' on the opponent selection screen. The mistake then appears again when the screen scrolls to display the next opponent choice.
Shin Akuma is present in the game code. Shin Akuma in 3rd Strike differs somewhat from his 2nd Impact guise. For a start, in 2nd Impact Shin Akuma had his own audio samples. In 3rd Strike, he shares Akuma's soundfile. His second Super Art is somewhat glitchy at times, and unlike 2nd Impact, he seems to have only 2 outfits. The blue color outfit is for Player 1, and the white colour outfit for Player 2. Both are hardcoded.
VER. 990512
* Ken Vs. Makoto neutral throw bug : If Ken defeats Makoto with his neutral throw (i.e. knee bash), the game will reset.
* Magnetic Storm graphical glitch : P2 Yang has 'Magnetic Storm' listed as one of his Super Arts instead of 'Tenshin-Senkyutai'.
* Unblockables : Certain characters (Urien, Oro) have moves/combos which are impossible to block.
VER. 990608
* Ken Vs. Makoto neutral throw bug has been fixed and doesn't reset the game.
* Unblockables are no longer unblockable.
* 6 Costume Colors : Highlight a fighter at the character selection screen and press one of the 6 buttons for the standard outfits (button 1 aka LP is the original color).
* Secret Colour : Highlight a fighter at the character selection screen and press LP+MK+HP.
1. Street Fighter (1987)
2. Street Fighter II - The World Warrior [CP-S No. 14] (1991)
3. Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition [CP-S No. 21] (1992)
4. Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting [CP-S No. 24] (1992)
5. Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers [CP-S II No. 01] (1993)
6. Super Street Fighter II Turbo [CP-S II No. 03 Bis] (1994)
7. Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams [CP-S II No. 11] (1995)
8. Street Fighter Alpha 2 [CP-S II No. 15] (1996)
9. Street Fighter III - New Generation (1997)
10. Street Fighter III - 2nd Impact : Giant Attack (1998)
11. Street Fighter Alpha 3 [CP-S II No. 29] (1998)
12. Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike : Fight For The Future (1999)
13. Hyper Street Fighter II - The Anniversary Edition [CP-S II No. 38] (2003)
14. Street Fighter IV (2008)
15. Super Street Fighter IV (2010)
Character Design : Who, Ikusan Z, D-Kurita, Chimorin Shogun, Sibaki, Chunzenji&Rute, Tsuyoshi, Jun-Ikawa, Toshihiro Suzuki, Noya-T, Seiji Yano, Naoi Ryosuke (Hell), Tomo, Hirano=Daichi, Izumi.N, Akiman
Scroll Design : Imahori 75%, Sugiyama 50%, Youko Fukumoto, Yuki Kyotani, Sawatch, Atsushi, Ryo Uno, Yusuke Saiwai, Kenichi Yamahashi
Original Artwork : Daigoro, Harumaru
Title Logo Design : Y. Uchida
Instruction Design : Sakomizu
Programming : Kazuhito Nakai, Nobuya Yoshizumi (LT1), Yuko Kawamura (Tate), Hiroshi Nakagawa (Raoh), Y&M.Inada (Ine), Masahito Oh!Ya!, Akihiro ? Yokoyama
Sound Effect Design : Satoshi Ise, Y. Sandou
Music Compose : H. Okugawa
Sound Design : Kazuya Takimoto
Sound Management Director : Yoshinori Ono
Song Writers for Third Strike, Let's Get It On and Moving On : Infinite, hideki
Song Arrangement : hideki
Vocals : Infinite (Courtesy of Lock Down Entertainment Inc.)
Recording Engineer : Yutaka Shinoyama (Victor St.) (Lock Down Entertainment Inc.)
Mix Engineer : Paul Shubat (Lock Down Entertainment Inc.)
Assistant Engineer : Vladimir Nikolic (Lock Down Entertainment Inc.)
Artist Management : Cain (Lock Down Entertainment Inc.)
Planning : Neo_G H.Ishizawa, Haruo Murata, Numach (T.O), Yasunori Ichinose, Sada 36
Message Translator : Erik Suzuki, Dan Okada, Chris Tang
Producer : Noritaka Funamizu, Kouji Nakajima
General Producer : Yoshiki Okamoto
* Voice Actors :
Ryu : Touru Ohkawa
Ken Masters : Yuji Kishi
Sean Matsuda : Mitsuo Iwata
Yun Lee : Kentaro Itou
Yang Lee : Masakazu Suzuki
Ibuki/Effie : Yuri Amano
Elena : Mie Midori
Oro : Takashi Matsuyama
Akuma : Tomomichi Nishimura
Makoto : Makoto Tsumura
Remy : Eiji Sekiguchi
Chun-Li, Poison : Atsuko Tanaka
Urien, Necro, Twelve, Gill : Lawrence Bayne
Alex : Patrick Gallagan
Dudley : Francis Diakewsky
Q, Hugo : Len Carlson
Special thanks : Youichi Egawa, T. Shiraiwa, Abu, Tomoaki Tsuji, Tobuto Dezaki (Mam2), Mitsuaki Araki (Tim2), Takechan, Oni-Suzuki, Hiroshi.Sugimoto-Bug, K. Shinano, Gon, Syachi (S. Ohoka), Yng. J. Matsubara, Miura Cuberick, Tetsuya Haze, Yoshihiro Tomita, Hmx-12 Hamada, Masayasu Mukai, Punch Kubozono, Tetsuya Iijima, Lisa E. Jones, Masayuki Fukumoto, Lance Luu, Nate Williams
* Consoles :
Sega Dreamcast [JP] (Jun.2000) [Model T-1209M]
Sony PlayStation 2 [JP] (Jul.2004) [Model SLPM-65621]
Sony PlayStation 2 [JP] (Jul.2004, "Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike [The Limited Edition]") [Model CPCS-01009]
Microsoft XBOX [JP] (Oct.2004, "Street Fighter Anniversary Collection") [Model STJ-00001]
Sony PlayStation 2 [JP] (Dec.2006, "Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike [Capcore]") [Model SLPM-66639]
Sony PlayStation 2 [JP] (Sep.2008, "Capcom vs SNK 2 Millionaire Fighting 2001/Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Fight for the Future Value Pack") [Model CPCS-01040]
Game's rom.
대전액션, 스트리트파이터III3rd스트라이크:파이트포더퓨쳐(일본판,990608,NOCD) 스파 스트리트파이터즈 스트리트파이터