Knights of Valour Superheroes / Sangoku Senki Superheroes (ver. 104)Knights of Valour Super Heroes / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes (ver. 104, CN)
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Clone Roms Info (클론) 삼국전기 권황삼국 스페셜 (버전 303CN) Knights of Valour: Quan Huang San Guo Special / Sangoku Senki: Quan Huang San Guo Special (ver. 303CN) 삼국전기 풍운재기 / 삼국전기 슈퍼히어로즈 (버전 103, 중국판) Knights of Valour Super Heroes / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes (ver. 103, CN) |
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# title | # select |
# gameover | # score |
History | history.dat
Knights of Valour Superheroes (c) 1999 IGS.
A very good side-scrolling fighting game set in medieval China.
Main CPU : 68000 (@ 20 Mhz), Z80 (@ 8.468 Mhz), ARM7 (@ 20 Mhz)
Sound Chips : ICS2115 (@ 20 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 448 x 224 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 2304
Players : 4
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 4
This game is also known as "Sangoku Senki Superheroes".
1. Knights of Valour (1999)
2. Knights of Valour Superheroes (1999)
3. Knights of Valour 2 (2000)
4. Knights of Valour 2 - Nine Dragons (2001)
5. Knights of Valour 2 - Bushou Retsuden
6. Knights of Valour Superheroes Plus (2004)
7. Knights of Valour - The Seven Spirits (2004)
8. Knights of Valour 3 (2011)
Game's rom.
어드벤쳐, KnightsofValourSuperheroes/SangokuSenkiSuperheroes(ver.104) 횡스크롤