에어가이츠 (EG3/버전 A)Ehrgeiz (US, EG3/VER.A)
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Clone Roms Info (클론) 에어가이츠 (아시아판, EG2/버전 A) Ehrgeiz (Asia, EG2/VER.A) 에어가이츠 (일본판, EG1/버전 A) Ehrgeiz (Japan, EG1/VER.A) |
스샷 이미지 더 펼쳐보기▼ |
# logo | # title |
# select | # gameover |
# flyer | # cabinet |
# marquee | # control panel |
Story | story.dat
에아가이트 -GOD BLESS THE RING-50년전, 독일의 코죠아토로부터, (무늬)격에 이상한 돌을 끼어 넣은 검이 발견되었다.
그 검은 「에아가이트」라고 칭해져 후에 세계 최강을 결정하는 격투 대회 「THE 」로 승자에게 줄 수 있는 「최강의 증거」가 된다.
대회에서 우승한 사람은 검이 가지는 수수께끼에 매료되어 중동에 있다고 하는 초고대 유적을 목표로 해 달리기 시작한다.
그러나, 그 전방에는 고대의 수수께끼를 둘러싼 야심에 몰아진 사람들이 「에아가이트」탈취를 노려, 서 찬다···.
[출전:에아가이트 공식 HP(드림 팩토리)]
History | history.dat
EZ : - God Bless the Ring (c) 1998 Namco.
A 3-D fighting game reminiscent of "Power Stone" by Capcom. The world's most brutal tournament has as its trophy the legendary weapon ''. Fighters from around the world assemble to claim this prize and its mysterious power. Featuring interactive backgrounds.
Namco System 12 hardware
Game ID : EG
Main CPU : PSX (@ 16.9344 Mhz), H8/3002 (@ 14.7456 Mhz)
Sound Chips : C352 (@ 14.7456 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 640 x 480 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 65536
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 4
Developed by SquareSoft & Dream factory.
The title of this game translates from German as 'Ambition'.
The character Dasher Inoba is based on legendary Japanese wrestler Antonio Inoki.
features characters (in the vs. CPU mode) from the hugely popular Sony PlayStation game "Final Fantasy VII" also developed by SquareSoft.
* Software version : EG2/VER.A (World)
* Software version : EG3/VER.A (US)
* Extra Costume : Get 20 wins in VS mode when you choose Dasher Inoba
* Time Release Characters : You can select boss characters if satisfy the following conditions
Cloud : PCB works over 30 days
Tifa : PCB works over 60 days
Django : PCB works over 90 days
In the single mode, you can fight with Cloud or Tifa when defeat 8 CPU characters within 6min40.
* : In the final battle (VS True Django), Kill him by a sword (it's only item to damage but hidden in invisible box) to
Producer : Hirohide Sugiura
Main programmer : Toru Ikebuchi
Motion manager : Katsunori Itai
Effect programmer : Shigeru Yagisawa
System programmer : Hiroshi Tsuboi
Character designers : Tomohiro Ishii, Masashi Horiuchi
Stage designers : Masaya Ishizuka, Yoshiko Higohashi, Hiroko Ohnishi, Yuri Suzuki
Motion designers : Satoru Uchida, Yasuhide Hino, Tadashi Soeda, Kazuhiko Takahashi, Takashi Aoyagi, Takeshi Sadohara, Toshimitu Shimafuji
Music & Sound effect : Takayuki Nakamura, Motoko Hieda
System administrator : Kuma san
Production manager : Kiyoko Ishimaru
Director & Game designer : Seiichi Ishii
Exective producers : Masaya Nakamura (Namco), Tomoyuki Takechi (Square)
Supervisors : Hironobu Sakaguchi, Shinji Hashimoto
Character supervisor : Tetsuya Nomura
Sound supervisor : Nobuo Uematsu
FF VII staff : Toshinori Kitase, Tomohiro Kayano, Shintarou Takai, Kenji Takemoto, Solid all staff
Monitor : Yuji Saitoh, Hiromi Masuda
Promotion : Kouichirou Sakamoto
Promotion assistant : Masanobu Hasegawa
Production manager assistant : Rieko Kikuchi
Cast : Ayako Kawasumi, Joji Nakata, Motoko Kumai, Ryuzo Ishino, Kazuya Nakai, Hideyuki Umezu, Fumihiko Tatiki, Tomokazu Seki, Yoko Asada, Kenyu Horiuchi
* Consoles :
Sony PlayStation (1998)
Game's rom.
대전액션, 에어가이츠(EG3/버전A)