로드 파이터 (세트 1) Road Fighter (set 1)

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Roms info

  • 롬파일: roadf.zip
  • 사이즈: 71.03 KB
  • 카테고리: 레이싱
  • 소스카테고리: Driving / Race
  • 구분: 마메 ( MAME )
  • 년도: 1984
  • 제작사: Konami
  • 소스: hyperspt.c
  • 버젼: .31
  • 롬구분: 원본(부모롬)


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Clone Roms Info (클론)

로드 파이터 (세트 2) Road Fighter (set 2)



# title
# gameover
# score
# flyer
# cabinet
# marquee
# control panel

History | history.dat

Road Fighter (c) 1984 Konami.
An exhilarating, high-speed scrolling racing game.
An unique characteristic of Road Fighter is the fact that bumping into an enemy car does not count as a miss. The counter-steering technique required to 'straighten' your car after bumping into an enemy provided a new level of racing game fun to fans.
Game ID : GX461
Main CPU : M6809 (@ 2.048 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 3.579545 Mhz)
Sound Chips : DAC, SN76496 (@ 1.789772 Mhz), VLM5030 (@ 3.58 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 224 x 256 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 32
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2 [Low, High]
Released in December 1984. Road Fighter is the first car racing game from Konami.
* Do Not miss the bonus car : As you proceed in the game, the difficulty level increases. You will make more misses and will lose fuel quickly. If you spot a bonus car, make sure to run into it, even if it requires you to slow down in the process.
* Get used to counter-steering : Driving without bumping into the enemy is extremely difficult. If you do bump into them, learn to stay calm and counter-steer!
* Secret bonuses : They are all hard to obtain, but they are worth the try! Keep on driving for a certain amount of time without bumping into the enemy -- Konamiman, a train, or an airplane will appear and give you bonus points.
* Run into bonus cars without missing any -- more bonus points.
* Make it to the goal without bumping into any enemy -- 10,000 bonus points.
1. Road Fighter (1984)
2. Midnight Run - Road Fighter 2 (1995)
* Consoles :
Nintendo Famicom (1985)
Sony PlayStation (1999, "Konami Arcade Classics")
Nintendo DS [JP] (Mar.15.2007, "Konami Classics Series - Arcade Hits")
Nintendo DS [NA] (Mar.27.2007, "Konami Classics Series - Arcade Hits")
Nintendo DS [EU] (Oct.26.2007, "Konami Classics Series - Arcade Hits")
Nintendo DS [AU] (Oct.29.2007, "Konami Classics Series - Arcade Hits")
* Computers :
MSX (1985)
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.

, 로드파이터(세트1)

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