혼두라 3 (魂斗羅 3): 에일리언 워즈 (닌텐도 슈퍼 시스템 기판) Contra 3: The Alien Wars (Nintendo Super System)
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# logo | # title |
# gameover |
# control panel |
Story | story.dat
ContraⅢ -The Alien Wars- (Nintendo Super System판)서기 2636년.
거듭된다”혼두라”와의 싸움에 진 에이리언은, 마침내 그 총력을 걸친 대규모 침략 공격을 개시했다.
그 압도적인 물량과 과학력, 그리고 명확하게 이질의 힘을 숨긴 생명력.
모든 점에 대해, 에이리언의 힘은 압도적이었다.
그리고 반년 후, 에이리언에 점령되어 황폐 한 도시에 두 명의 남자가 나타났다.
빌딩과 랑스, 지상 최강의 혼두라팀의 뜨거운 싸움이 지금, 다시 시작된다!
인류의 손에 다시 대지를 되찾기 위해서(때문에).
History | history.dat
Contra III - The Alien Wars (c) 1992 Nintendo.
The year is 2636. The aliens that lost in battle to the Contras have once again regained their full strength and have begun a large-scale invasion. Humans are nothing but mere rag dolls in the face of their overwhelming resources, scientific capability and powerful life force.
Half a year later, 2 men, Bill and Lance of the Contra team, history's greatest mercenaries, arrive to the devastated city controlled by the aliens.
A heated battle begins once more.
Nintendo Super System hardware
Main CPU : G65C816 (@ 3.58 Mhz)
Sound CPU : SPC700 (@ 1.024 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Custom (@ 1.024 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 512 x 480 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 32768
Players : 4
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 6
Since the instruction manuals for the American versions of Contra and Super C for the NES established those games to be set in present times, yet Contra III featured an obvious futuristic setting, Konami explained this discrepancy by claiming that the main characters of Contra III were Jimbo and Sully, the descendants of Bill and Lance.
* All Weapons Code : At the player selection screen, press Right, Down, Downright, Right and Start. A scream will confirm the code.
* Level Select : At the player selection screen, press Left, Down, Downleft, Left and Start. A Hum will be heard if you've entered the code correctly.
1. Contra (1987)
2. Super Contra (1988)
3. Operation C (1991, Nintendo Game Boy)
4. Contra Force (1992, Nintendo NES)
5. Contra III - The Alien Wars (1992, Nintendo Super Famicom)
6. Contra - Hard Corps (1994, Sega Mega Drive)
7. Contra - Legacy of War (1996, Sony PlayStation)
8. C - The Contra Adventure (1998, Sony PlayStation)
9. Contra - Shattered Soldier (2002, Sony PlayStation 2)
10. Neo Contra (2004, Sony PlayStation 2)
11. Contra 4 (2007, Nintendo DS)
12. Contra ReBirth (2009, Nintendo Wii - WiiWare)
* Visual Designers :
Main and directed : Nobuya Nakazato
Players character : Masayuki Saruta
Assist : Noritoshi Sasaki
* Programmers :
Main & top-view : Yoshiyuki Matsumoto (Yaipon)
Side-view : 1991/Nami
Help-man : K. Horio
* Sound Designers :
Program and effect : Atsushi Fujio
Sound effect : Masanori Oouchi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hirofumi Taniguchi
Music compose : Miki Yanagisawa, Masanori Adachi, Tappi Iwase
Technical adviced : Jun Furano
Package designers : Kenji Shimoide, Hiromi Sumida
Produced by : Kazumi Kitaue
* Consoles :
Nintendo Super Famicom (1992)
Nintendo Game Boy (1994)
Nintendo Game Boy Advance (2002, "Contra Advance - The Alien Wars EX")
Nintendo Wii (2007, "Virtual Console" - SNES version)
Game's rom.
, 혼두라3(魂斗羅3):에일리언워즈(닌텐도슈퍼시스템기판)
'마메 게임장르 > 마메: 액션' 카테고리의 다른 글
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