Yo! 노이드 (PlayChoice-10 기판) Yo! Noid (PlayChoice-10)
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# title | # howto |
# gameover |
# flyer | # marquee |
# control panel |
History | history.dat
Yo! Noid (c) 1986 Capcom.
Yo! Noid is an adventure that takes you skipping, skating and skyscraper scaling through the streets of New York City. Your players will need every gimmick imaginable to out-prank the group of slippery scalawags who are disrupting the Big Apple with assorted monkeyshines and shenanigans. A mysterious Noid look-alike is the brains behind the bad guys. But if Yo! Noid can prevail, the reward is a lifetime supply of pizzas. Players of all ages will enjoy romping through the 14 levels of fun. And the good times don't stop there.
As was the case with many Capcom games based on cartoon characters, Yo! Noid had excellent cartoon graphics and sound effects.
Nintendo PlayChoice-10 hardware
Game ID : YC
Main CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz), N2A03 (@ 1.789772 Mhz)
Sound Chips : N2A03 (@ 1.789772 Mhz), DAC (@ 1.789772 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 256 x 240 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 320
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2
Licensed to Nintendo for manufacture and distribution.
Yo! Noid is the American version of the NES game "Kamen no Ninja - Hanamaru". The sprites were changed to add the Noid, the mascot for Domino's Pizza, and the levels have different backgrounds and enemies. Other than that, it is the same exact game.
The back cover of the NES instruction booklet included a $1 off Domino's Pizza coupon.
* Cheat mode : press Up(x2), Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, A, Up, Start at the title screen to display a new options screen.
* Warp zone : in level 3, right before the fourth enemy, press Up(x2), Down(x2), A. You will be taken to a special warp zone.
* There is a bug in the game during certain scenarios of the pizza eating contest. If your opponent has one card left, and you have a special 'hot sauce' power up and a number card, and you play the hot sauce card while the computer plays its card, the game will lock up after both cards have been played. This can be faithfully replicated throughout the game. Usually it is the case that when the computer or player has no cards left to play, the player with no cards left loses the round by default.
Game's rom.
, Yo!노이드(PlayChoice-10기판)