뱀파이어 헌터: 다크스토커즈 리벤지 (일본판 950316)Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950316)
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Original Roms Info (원본: 부모롬) 나이트 워리어즈: 다크스토커즈 리벤지 (유럽판 950316) Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Euro 950316) |
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# title | # select |
# versus | # gameover |
History | history.dat
Vampire Hunter - Darkstalkers' Revenge (c) 1995 Capcom.
The second game in the Vampire series includes fourteen horrific fighters.
Capcom Play System II hardware (CP-S II)
Game ID : CP-S II No. 09
Main CPU : 68000 (@ 11.8 Mhz), Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Q-Sound (@ 4 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 384 x 224 pixels
Screen refresh : 59.63 Hz
Palette colors : 4096
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 6
= > [1] LP, [2] MP, [3] HP
= > [4] LK, [5] MK, [6] HK
Released in March 1995.
This game is known outside Japan as "Night Warriors - Darkstalkers' Revenge [CP-S II No. 09]".
Huitzil (Phobos' name outside of Japan) is the diminutive of 'Huitzilopochtli' (which means 'Blue Hummingbird on the Left'). He was the chief god of the great Aztec city Tenochtitlan and became after his death the Aztec god of the Sun and War.
Sony Records released a 2 CD limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Vampire Hunter: Darkstalker's Revenge - SRCL-3197/8) on 21/05/1995.
In the non-Japanese version :
* Gallon is named 'Jon Talbain'.
* Zabel Zarock is named 'Lord Raptor'.
* Aulbath is named 'Rikuo'.
* Phobos is named 'Huitzil'.
* Lei Lei is named 'Hsein Ko'.
* Alternate Costume Colors : highlight a fighter at the character selection screen.
1. Press Roundhouse to select the costume color from Darkstalkers.
2. Press Start to select the secondary costume color from Darkstalkers.
3. Press Jab+Forward to select the dark costume version.
* Secret End Tune : beat the game with one credit, after your character's victory pic appears on the screen, hold Up. The secret tune shall then appear as the credits start.
Anakaris :
1) (3/4 max) In the Sarcophage : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight, Right + 2 Punches
2) (1/2 max) Pharao Magic I : MK, LP, Down, LK, MP
3) (Anywhere) Pharao Spirit : LP, LP, Down, MK, HK
Aulbath :
1) (1/2 max) Aqua Spread : Right, DownRight, Down + 2 Kicks or 2 Punches
2) (Anywhere) Water Jail : Right, Down, DownRight + 2 Punches
3) (Anywhere) Sea Rage - 8 hit : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight + 2 Punches
4) [Need 3 powers] (Close) Direct Scissors : Down(x2) + 2 Punches
Bishamon :
1) (Close) Oni Kubi Hineri : Right, DownRight, Down, DownLeft, Left + 2 Punches
2) (Anywhere) Enma Seki : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight + 2 Kicks
Demitri :
1) (Far) Demon Blast : Down, Right, DownRight + 2 Kicks
2) (Close) Midnight Pleasure : Down, Right, DownRight + 2 Punches
Donovan :
1) (Anywhere) Immortal Transformation : MP, LP, Left, LK, MK
2) (Anywhere) Breath of Death : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight, Right + Kick (LK = close, MK = medium, HK = far)
Felicia :
1) (3/4 max) Weapon X - 11 hit : Right, Down, DownRight + 2 Punches
2) (Anywhere) Help Me, Please - 34 hit : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight, Right + 2 Kicks
Gallon :
1) (Anywhere) Mirage Body : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight, Right + 2 Kicks
2) (Anywhere) Dragon Cannon : Right, DownRight, Down, DownLeft, Left + 2 Punches
Lei Lei :
1) (Anywhere) The Blast : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight + 2 Punches
2) (Anywhere) Chireitou : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight + 2 Kicks
3) (Anywhere) Tenraiha : LK, HK, MP, MP, Up
Morrigan :
1) (Sweep Distance) Darkness Illusion : LP, LP, Right, LK, HP
2) (Anywhere) Valkyrie Turn : Right, RightDown, Down, DownLeft, Left, (any) Kick, then LK (close), or MK (medium), or HK (far)
3) (Anywhere) Astral Vision : LP, LP, Right, MP, HP
Phobos :
1) (Anywhere) Big Laser : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight, Right + 2 Punches
2) (Anywhere) Confusioner : Right, Down, DownRight + 3 Kicks
3) (Anywhere) Final Guardian : Left, DownRight, Down, DownLeft + 2 Kicks
Pyron :
1)(Anywhere) Cosmo Disruption : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight, Right + 2 Punches or 2 Kicks
Sasquatch :
1) (Anywhere) Big Freezer : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight + 2 Punches
2) (3/4 screen max) Big Eisbahn : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight + 2 Kicks
3) (Close) Big Sledge : 720 degrees + 2 Kicks
Victor :
1) (Anywhere) Thunder Break : Down (2s), Up + 2 Punches
2) (Corps to corps) MEGA Gerdenheim : Left, DownLeft, Down, DownRight + 2 Kicks
Zebel :
1) (1/2 max) Evil Scream : Right, Left + 2 Punches
2) (1/2 max) Death Voltage : Right, DownRight, Down, DownLeft + 2 Kicks
3) (Anywhere) Hell Dunk : Right, Down, DownRight + 2 Punches
1. Vampire - The Night Warriors [CP-S II No. 05] (1994)
2. Vampire Hunter - Darkstalkers' Revenge [CP-S II No. 09] (1995)
3. Vampire Savior - The Lord of Vampire [CP-S II No. 21] (1997)
4. Vampire Savior 2 - The Lord of Vampire [CP-S II No. 26] (1997)
5. Vampire Hunter 2 - Darkstalkers' Revenge [CP-S II No. 27] (1997)
6. Darkstalkers 3 - Vampire Savior (1999, Sony Playstation)
7. Darkstalkers Chronicles - The Chaos Tower (2005, Sony PSP)
Game designers : Ohn, Nohah
Sound designers : Tomuyuki Kawakami (T.K NY), Toshio Kajino
Music composers : Takayuki Iwai (Anarchy Takapon), Hideki Okugawa (Hideki Ok), Akari.K -Lemon-
Object designers : Kuri, Tanuki, Ikusan Z, Takashi Hayashi, Shibata Hiroshi, Kitasan, Mizuho, Q, The Who, Kimo Kimo, Shisui, Yorio, Z666, Pei, Mizupyon, G Kamina, Chunkichi, Tsuyoshi, Kamameshi, "Kouda" Isi.B, Yanagi Kagerou, Yoshioka, Dekao, Kick, Syuuchan, Kidai,, Kozuchi, Delta
Scroll designers : Kyo, Tamachan, Motokazz.S, Aya
Program designers : Panda, T J, Odawara Hassssssy, Mo. Suzuki, Min, Ittetsu, Tsuna Hayahide, Hero Hero, Hdo, Tora Papa, Yume, Hide Mama
Producer : Kihaji Okamoto
* Voice Actors :
Demitri, Donovan, Pyron : Nobuyuki Hiyama
Gallon, Zabel Zarock, Aulbath : Yuuji Ueda
Morrigan : Yayoi Jinguji
Felicia : Kae Araki
Victor, Bishamon, Sasquatch, Anakaris : Kan Tokumaru
Lei Lei : Michiko Neya
Phobos : Jyurouta Kosugi
Cecil : Kyoko Hikami
* Consoles :
Sega Saturn [JP] (Feb.1996) [Model T-1202G]
Sony PlayStation 2 [JP] (May.2005, "Vampire Darkstalker's Collection") [Model SLPM-65998]
Sony PlayStation 2 [JP] (Dec.2006, "Vampire Darkstalker's Collection [Capcore]") [Model SLPM-66637]
Sony PlayStation 2 [JP] (Sep.2008, "Hyper Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition/Vampire Darkstalkers Collection Value Pack") [Model CPCS-01039]
Game's rom.
대전액션, 뱀파이어헌터:다크스토커즈리벤지(일본판950316)