스타 글래디에이터 2 (일본판 980316)Star Gladiator 2 (Japan 980316)
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Original Roms Info (원본: 부모롬) 플라즈마 스워드 (미국판 980316) Plasma Sword (USA 980316) |
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# title | # select |
# gameover | # score |
# flyer |
History | history.dat
Star Gladiator 2 - Nightmare of Bilstein (c) 03/1998 Capcom.
Sony ZN-2 hardware
Main CPU : PSX (@ 16.9344 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
Sound Chips : SPU (@ 8 Mhz), Q-Sound (@ 4 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 640 x 480 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 65536
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 6
This game is known outside Japan as "Plasma Sword - Nightmare of Bilstein".
Suleputer released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Star Gladiator 2 - Nightmare of Bilstein Original Soundtrack - CPCA-1008) on 21/05/1998.
* Play As Kaede : At the character selection screen, highlight Rain and press Down(x2), Left(x2), Up.
* Play As Rai-On : At the character selection screen, highlight Byakko and press Up, Down, Left(x2), Right, Left, Up.
* Play Against Kaede Or Rai-On (Note : No continue and no win by time out) :
1) Finish three rounds with 'Plasma Strike'.
2) Finish two rounds with 'Perfect'.
3) Finish a round with 'Plasma Field'.
* Secret Ending (Points number needed at the end of level 8) :
1) One round at 70.000 points.
2) Three rounds at 95.000 points.
3) Five rounds at 110.000 points.
1. Star Gladiator - Episode : I Final Crusade (1996)
2. Star Gladiator 2 - Nightmare of Bilstein (1998)
Director : Satsuma (Ikeda), Terada Takayoshi
Main Programer : Hiro
Demo Programer : Hero Hero, S.K Sigeru Kato
Player Programer : Hero Hero, Hiro, S.K Sigeru Kato, Masaki Kataoka
Programer : Yoshihiro Shindome, Kohei Akiyama, Chabin Type M, Yuichi 'Okaz' Kagawa, Fuku 2
Object Effect : Shiba-H
Object Motion : Naoki Fukushima, Ken, Tsuru, Masaki Yamanaka, Masayuki Maeda
Object Texture : Nakatani, Kuratani Eiji, Michiru
Background Design : Takahashi Yasuto, Kohama, Mishima Takuji
Sound Director : Hiroaki 'X68K' Kondo (Cipher)
Sound Effect : Moe.T (T. Kitamura)
Main Music Composer : Takayuki Iwai (Anarchy Takapon)
Sub Music Composer : Cyber-T (Tetsuya Shibata)
Official Art Works : MCF, Inoda Keigo, Daichan
Title Design : Shoei
Instruction Card : Sakomizu
Voice Actor : Secret
Producer : Noritaka Funamizu, Kouji Nakajima
Executive Producer : Yoshiki Okamoto
* Consoles :
Sega Dreamcast [JP] (Dec.1999) [Model T-1204M]
Game's rom.
대전액션, 스타글래디에이터2(일본판980316)