신 호혈사 일족 투혼 / 매트리밀리 (해적판) Matrimelee (bootleg)
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Original Roms Info (원본: 부모롬) 신 호혈사 일족 투혼 / 매트리밀리 Matrimelee |
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# title |
# howto |
# select |
# versus |
# History
Matrimelee (c) 2002 SNK Playmore.
Revived from the New Power Instinct series, the Goketsuji clan has appeared newly on the MVS Neo-Geo! In addition to the familiar 11 characters, individual fresh 4 join in the heated Head Decision Match. You will be overwhelmed by the spectacular graphics and the BGM. Attention to the memorial Marriage Battle over the right to the throne and get ready!
SNK Neo-Geo MVS harware
Game ID : 0266
Main CPU : 68000 (@ 12 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2610 (@ 8 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 320 x 224 pixels
Screen refresh : 59.19 Hz
Palette colors : 4096
Players : 2
Control : 8-way Joystick
Buttons : 4
=> [A] Weak punch, [B] Weak kick, [C] Strong punch, [D] Strong kick
Even if titlescreen says 2002, Matrimelee was released in March 2003 in Japan.
Developed by Noise Factory & Atlus. Licensed to SNK Playmore for manufacture and distribution.
Known in Japan as "Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon - Matrimelee", translates from Japanese as 'True Gouketsuji Family Fighting Spirit - Matrimelee' ('Gouketsuji' is literally 'Demon Blood Family').
Some characters from the Power Instinct series received some minor name changes in this game :
Thin Nen => Chinen
Otane => Tane
Oume => Ume
Kurara => Clara
Annie => Anny
Pochi => Poochy
Also the transformation sequences from previous games has been almost completely ditched in this game (with the only exceptions of super moves from Kanji, Clara & Princess Sissy; as well as one of Tane's win poses).
While there have been a few fighting games that feature a vocal track as BGM (Roll's BGM in "Marvel vs. Capcom - Clash of Super Heroes", Arina's BGM in "Waku Waku 7" & Roomy's BGM in "Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors" are but a few examples of this), the Japanese version of this game's BGM features an unprecedented number of excellent & quite hilarious vocal tracks for many stages. Chinen BGM is nothing short of awesome!
Jones is the only selectable character from "Rage of the Dragons" that won't challenge you on the 3rd & 5th battle. This is odd...
Abubo ("Rage of the Dragons"' sub-boss character) makes an unlikely cameo as one of Princess Sissy box surprises!
Kang Jae-Mo ("Rage of the Dragons" wrestler) makes a hilarious cameo in one of Jones' super moves.
Default highscore table (RANKING) :
1ST 0500000 PLM
2ND 0450000 ATL
3RD 0400000 MTM
4TH 0350000 NEO
5TH 0300000 GEO
Noise Factory released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon - Matrimelee / Original Soundtrack) on 01/05/2003.
The US version of this game completely removed all the vocal tracks from the Japanese version and are replaced with the BGM of the "Rage of the Dragons" guest characters, causing those tracks to be recycled quite a few times. Such strange issue had already been seen in a few previous Neo-Geo games such as the Magical Drop games.
* Enable "Rage of the Dragons" Characters : At the character selection screen, press Up(x4), Down(x3), Left(x2) and Right. The screen will go black and reappear with Lynn, Mr. Jones, Jimmy and Elias in the center of the character select screen.
* Play As Princess Sissy : After you choose your character, press and hold A+B+C+D until the match begins and you'll play as Princess Sissy.
1. Power Instinct (1993)
2. Power Instinct 2 (1994)
3. Gogetsuji Legends (1995)
4. Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3 - Groove on Fight (1997)
5. Matrimelee (2002)
6. Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku - Bonnou Kaihou (2006, Sony PlayStation 2)
7. Gouketsuji Ichizoku - Matsuri Senzo Kuyou (2009)
Producer : Keiko Ijuu
Directors : Keiko Ijuu, Marohie.M
Sub directors : Hidenari Mamoto, 55
Main programmers : Hidenari Mamoto
Sub programmers : Kazuaki Ezato, H. Hishikawa
Character designers : Marochie.M, Super Dotter K', Dessy, Shio Shio Shio, Orie Kinugasa
Background designers : Miyukichi, Miyavi, Kuramoyan
Illustration : Range Murata, Tomokazu Nakano, Ooma Bunshichiro
Sound producer : Studio Aqua
Vocalists : Dencyu, Masanosuke Fujiwara, Momoeika, Ryuji Mutou, Moamo & Cheiko, Uchida, Nami Matusima, Aya Fujimoto
Voice actors : R. Riken, Shinya Moriguchi, Akihisa Muramoto, N. Chinatsu, Mina Yamamoto, Nahomi, Ikuro .I, Sayaka Misimura, Aumi Jinga
* Consoles :
SNK Neo-Geo (2003)
Sony PlayStation 2 (2006, "Shin Power Instinct"): features an online mode, new characters and a card battle system called 'lusts cards system'.
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.
네뷸러, 대전액션, 신호혈사일족투혼/매트리밀리(해적판)
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