워리어즈 오브 페이트 (미국판 921031) Warriors of Fate (US 921031)
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Original Roms Info (원본: 부모롬) 삼국지 II / 워리어즈 오브 페이트 (세계판 921002) Warriors of Fate (World 921002) |
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# title |
# select |
# gameover |
# History
Warriors of Fate (c) 1992 Capcom.
Shang-Lo, a country ruled by murder and violence under the iron fist of the dark lord Akkila-Orkhan. Having driven his own country into ruin and despair, Akkila-Orkhan now casts his covetous eyes on his neighboring countries. As his conquering shadow spread, one man rose up against this black tide. His name was Kuan-Ti, and with the aid of the five greatest warriors and the one wisest mind in his realm, Kuan-Ti would fight to defend his people and lands. The battle begins. A very good side-scrolling beat'em up.
Capcom Play System hardware (CP-S)
[CP-S No. 23]
Main CPU : 68000 (@ 12 Mhz), Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Q-Sound (@ 4 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 384 x 224 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 4096
Players : 3
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2
Released in October 1992.
This game is known in Japan as "Tenchi Wo Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai [CP-S No. 23]" and in Asia as "Sangokushi II [CP-S No. 23]".
The background and all characters were based on an actual history : The Period of Three Kingdoms after the 'Han' Dynasty in China. Character designs were based on a popular Japanese manga called 'Destruction of Heaven and Earth' published by Shueisha in Japan and created by Moto Kikaku.
Soundtrack releases :
Tenchi wo Kurau II -Sekiheki no Tatakai -G.S.M. Capcom 7- / Alfh Lyra [Pony Canyon / Scitron - PCCB-00133 - Aug 20, 1993]
There are quite a few things that were changed or taken out between the original Japanese version (Tenchi wo Kurau II) and the World version (Warrior of Fates). They are listed as follows :
* After the bonus stage, a scene with the 3rd emperor making comments was cut.
* After the bonus stage, there was an additional conversation with the advisor and Kuan-Ti.
* All names in-game were accompanied by their kanji.
* All names were changed and aren't even properly translated from the originals.
* Before the bonus stage, there is a scene where Kuan-Ti is discussing with the 3rd emperor is cut.
* In stage 1, a short message from the advisor was taken out.
* In stage 1, the boss gave a short dialogue.
* In stage 3, during the opening the boss has a short dialogue.
* In stage 4, the boss had a short dialogue.
* In stage 5, Akkila-Orkhan has a short dialogue.
* In stage 5, the boss had a short dialogue.
* In stage 5, after killing the boss there is a long scene dealing with a woman and a baby that was completely cut.
* In stage 6, there were additional lines between the player and Kuan-Ti.
* In stage 8, a short message from the advisor was taken out.
* In stage 8, the boss has a short dialogue.
* In stage 9, a short message from the advisor was taken out.
* In stage 9, there was a conversation between player and the boss.
* In stage 9, you can select from 2 decisions which could determine which of 3 endings you would get.
* Some weapons were generalized in the World version.
* The demo opening and text is different giving more detail from the events that occurred in Tenchi o Kurau 1.
* The text 'Tekishou (boss name) uchiitotarii' was accompanied with the voice at the end of every stage (The enemy commander (boss name) has been killed!).
note : The US version has the "Winners Don't Use Drugs" screen.
Special Attack : Attack+Jump
Every character can perform his own special move by the combination : Down, Up + Attack
Press Down+Jump to perform a dash-attack spin against the enemies.
During the game, sometimes you'll found a "gong bell" that will summon the Horse for the player.
The Horse gives great offensive attacks against the enemies, and also gives to every character a long-rage weapon (despite Kadan): also, some characters that didn't carry any weapons normally (Portor and Kassar) will get it after they'll go up the horse.
Every character can perform some special moves when it's riding the horse:
* Standard Special Attack (press attack+jump): You'll lose energy every time you'll perform it.
* Powerful slash with special wave: backward, forward + attack. Can slice apart some enemies. With Kadan you'll obtain a fire bolt.
* Dash: forward + Jump: It is also possible to combine the attack button to perform a long range attack after the dash (except for Kadan)
* Run and Slash: every direction (backward or forward) + jump (2 times rapidly): this move is similar to the standard special, but the player will not lose energy to perform it, it is possible to move while using it, and the enemies can be hit more than one time in this way: although, some enemies are able to block this attack, if they'll hit the player.
Sometimes, the horse will be used even by some bosses, and the player can get it after the boss will get down. By the way, some bosses are able to use the horse too, and they can benefit from its usage like the player.
Violent Boss Kill : if you'll finish the boss with a special move, you'll execute him in a very brutal way. Most of times the boss will be sliced apart, but you can also decapitate him with determined moves.
1. Dynasty Wars [CP-S No. 04] (1989)
2. Warriors of Fate [CP-S No. 23] (1992)
Programmers : Domesan, Xor, Tsu-Zy, 34-Sakontz
Character designers : Fukumoyan, Kyo-Chan, Tenman, Tama Chan, Tanuki, Ball Boy (Ballboy), Mizumo, Yuusuke, Nonsuchi, Youjiro, Saotome, Kurata-N, Ume
Onnanoko designer : Akiman
Sound : T. Yomage, Toshi Bull, Oyabun, Inu
Game's rom.
네뷸러, 액션, 워리어즈오브페이트(미국판921031)