뉴퍽2 (세트 1) Newpuc2 (set 1)

Roms info

  • 롬파일: newpuc2.zip
  • 사이즈: 14.32 KB
  • 카테고리:
  • 소스카테고리: Maze
  • 에뮬구분: Final Burn Alpha
  • 버젼: .69
  • 년도: 1980
  • 제작사: hack
  • 소스파일: pacman.c
  • 롬구분: 클론롬

  • Final Burn Alpha에서 사용가능한 롬파일입니다.
    # Final Burn Alpha 이용방법


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    Original Roms Info (원본: 부모롬)

    퍽맨 (일본판 세트 1, 해킹판 추정) PuckMan (Japan set 1)

    # title


    # History

    (c) 1980 Kamiya.
    - TRIVIA -
    is a hack of "Puckman". It has :
    * Intermissions from the original "Puckman" between each maze.
    * A 'slot machine' every 3 mazes which determines which type of maze (invisible/visible) will come up next.
    * There are two maze variants :
    The first is a visible blue maze with five exits on each side and a modified maze layout from the original "Puckman".
    The second maze is invisible except for the borders and the dots, but has a slightly different layout than the visible maze and has only three exits on each side.
    * When an power pill is eaten, the ghosts turn into different looking monsters.
    * Instead of 'GAME OVER', it says 'MADE BY KAMIYA'.
    Official Releases:
    Puckman [Upright model] (Namco)
    Puckman [Cocktail model] (Namco)
    Licensed products:
    Puckman (Zaccaria)
    Puckman (Kenphone)
    Puckman [Upright model] (NSM)
    Puckman [Cocktail model] (NSM)
    Puckman [Wall model] (NSM)
    Puckman (Bell-Fruit)
    Pac-Man [Upright model] [No. 932] (Midway)
    Pac-Man [Cocktail model] [No. 933] (Midway)
    Pac-Man [Mini-Myte model] [No. 934] (Midway)
    Unofficial products:
    Pac-Man [Galaxian hardware]
    Ghostmuncher (LAI Games)
    New Puck X (Deluxe)
    Newpuc1 (Unibox)
    Joyman (Monster)
    Hangly Man (Nittoh)
    Caterpillar (Phi)
    Buccaneer (Bucco)
    - UPDATES -
    Set 1 :
    * The coin-up screen does not give a name to the hero.
    * Instead of Oikake (Akabei), the red ghost is named Nantonaku (Crystal).
    * Instead of Kimagure (Aosuke), the cyan ghost is named Nukarumi (Michan).
    * Extra lives dip can be set at 20000, 25000, or 30000, or none (the default is 20000)
    * Difficuly dip is set to Hard by default, instead of Normal.
    * The 'GAME OVER' message reads 'MADE BY KAMIYA'.
    Set 2 :
    * The hero is given the name 'Scandal' in the coin-up screen.
    * The ghosts' names and nicknames are : Smoky The (Bandito), Kermit is (Frogy), Tony The (Tiger), and Charly the (Tuna).
    * The 'GAME OVER' message reads 'LINEAR ELECT'.
    * Extra Lives dip can be set at 30000, 60000, 90000, or None (the default is 30000)
    - SCORING -
    Dots : 20 points.
    Power Pill : 80 points.
    Ghosts : 200, 400, 800, 8000 points.
    Cherry : 1000 points.
    Strawberry : 2000 points.
    Orange : 3000 points.
    Apple : 5000 points.
    Pineapple : 5000 points.
    Galaxian : 5000 points.
    Bell : 5000 points.
    Key : 5000 points.
    - SOURCES -
    Game's rom.

    파이널번알파, , 뉴퍽2(세트1)


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