슈퍼 팡 (국제판 900914)Super Pang (World 900914)
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Clone Roms Info (클론) 슈퍼 버스터 브라더스 (미국판 901001) Super Buster Bros. (US 901001) 슈퍼 팡 (국제판 900914, 해적판) Super Pang (World 900914, bootleg) 슈퍼 팡 (일본판 901023) Super Pang (Japan 901023) |
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# title | # howto |
# select | # gameover |
# score |
# cabinet | # control panel |
History | history.dat
Super Pang (c) 1990 Mitchell.
1 or 2 players use a harpoon gun to burst a number of large, bouncing balls. when hit, each ball breaks down into smaller balls. A sequel to the 1989 original which, while not adding anything particularly new, retains the superb playability of its predecessor.
Main CPU : Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
Sound Chips : OKI6295 (@ 7.5 Khz), YM2413 (@ 4 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 384 x 240 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 2048
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 1 (FIRE)
Released in September 1990.
This game was also released by Capcom for US as "Super Buster Bros.".
The game forbids the initials 'SEX' on the high score table. If you try, it gets changed it to '???'.
* Stage Select on Tour Mode : Select Tour mode. Hold down the joystick and press fire button.
* Win 500 Points in Panic Mode : Hold down the joystick and 500 points will be added to your score every few seconds.
* Win 100.000 Points in Panic Mode : If you go without shooting anything for the amount of time it takes for the background song to repeat, you will automatically get 100.000 points, but the speed of the balls will suddenly become extremely fast.
1. Pang (1989)
2. Super Pang (1990)
3. Pang! 3 [CP-S No. 31] (1995)
4. Mighty! Pang [CP-S II No. 34] (2000)
Planners : Uda, Futoshi Kuwahara
Designers : Kurihara, Furukawa
Programmers : Shinohara, Nakai
Composer : Takaoka
* Consoles :
Nintendo Super Famicom (1992)
Sony PlayStation (1997, "Super Pang Collection")
Sony PSP (2006, "Capcom Puzzle World")
Game's rom.
아케이드, 슈퍼팡(국제판900914)