트리플 펀치 Triple Punch

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Roms info

  • 롬파일: triplep.zip
  • 사이즈: 12.66 KB
  • 카테고리: 아케이드
  • 소스카테고리: Maze / Outline
  • 구분: 마메 ( MAME )
  • 년도: 1982
  • 제작사: KKI
  • 소스: scramble.c
  • 버젼: .29
  • 롬구분: 원본(부모롬)


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Clone Roms Info (클론)

넉아웃!! Knock Out!!



# title
# gameover
# score
# flyer
# cabinet
# marquee

History | history.dat

Triple Punch (c) 1982 KKI.
You're the carpenter and your task is to complete the squares until you've filled the screen. Sound easy? Not when you hear what's trying to stop you. A gorilla, ghost, eraser and burst of fire all wander the paths. The eraser erases uncompleted squares and the gorilla would love to hammer you. But you're not defenceless. With three swift punches you can knock them out, except for the fire which can't be stopped. Each level introduces a larger area to fill so keep moving!
Main CPU : Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz)
Sound Chips : AY8910 (@ 1.78975 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 224 x 256 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.61 Hz
Palette Colors : 98
Players : 2
Control : 4-way joystick
Buttons : 1
Also licensed to 'Nicole Manufacturing'.
This game is also known as "Knock Out!!" (KKK).
Points are scored by completing squares and knocking out enemies.
Connect 2 squares at one, score doubles.
Connect 3 at once, it quadruples.
Bonus scores between second and third stage.
* Begin by filling in the box in the lower left-hand corner. Once you've done that, fill in the two boxes (vertically) to its right, then the three to their right, and so on until you've effectively wrapped around the playfield and are back at the first box you filled in. Just repeat this motion until all of the boxes are full.
* Filling in boxes two at a time will give you twice the points of each of the boxes. Filling in three boxes at a time (this is done by going over the point shared by the three boxes last) gives you four times points for the boxes.
You can also get points by punching out enemies. If you can punch out an enemy while the ambulance is still on the screen, you get six hundred points instead of the three hundred for just punching out an enemy.
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.

, 트리플펀치

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