야구 (PlayChoice-10 기판) Baseball (PlayChoice-10)

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Roms info

  • 롬파일: pc_bball.zip
  • 사이즈: 19.53 KB
  • 카테고리: 스포츠
  • 소스카테고리: Sports / Baseball
  • 구분: 마메 ( MAME )
  • 년도: 1984
  • 제작사: Nintendo of America
  • 소스: playch10.c
  • 버젼: .37b7
  • 롬구분: 원본(부모롬)


zip형식의 롬파일은 압축해제없이 roms폴더에 그대로 넣어 주어야 합니다..





# title
# howto
# select
# flyer
# cabinet
# marquee
# control panel

History | history.dat

Base Ball (c) 1984 Nintendo of America, Inc.
A baseball game. Players pick from a list of teams. Time-points are awarded per credit which are either increased with runs batted in or decreased by opponent's runs or just regular plays. The game-play can be very frustrating because infielders may not pick up a ball at their feet since they are waiting for another player to come over and pick it up.
Nintendo PlayChoice-10 hardware
Game ID : BA
Main CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz), N2A03 (@ 1.789772 Mhz)
Sound Chips : N2A03 (@ 1.789772 Mhz), DAC
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 256 x 240 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 320
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2
Even if the titlescreen says 1984, this USA version of the game was released in October 1985.
* The computer (AI) is very tough to defeat, but if you practice it and play for a while, you'll be able to beat them.
* Try not to run around the bases too often. The controls are really bad actually and sometimes respond too late, resulting in an Out for you.
* The 4th batter is usually your strongest hitter.
* Hit right/left while the ball is in the air to curve the ball accordingly. You
can even curve the ball right AND left in one throw.
* Consoles :
Nintendo Famicom [HVC-BA] [JP] (Jul.1983)
Nintendo NES [NES-BA] [US] (Oct.1985)
Nintendo NES [NES-BA] [EU] (1991)
Nintendo GameCube (2001, "Animal Crossing" as an unlockable Bonus game)
Nintendo Game Boy Advance (2002, e-Reader Series)
Nintendo Wii (2007, "Virtual Console")
Game's rom.

, 야구(PlayChoice-10기판)

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