스페이스 피버 하이 스플리터 (세트 1) Space Fever High Splitter (set 1)

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Roms info

  • 롬파일: highsplt.zip
  • 사이즈: 8.48 KB
  • 카테고리: 슈팅
  • 소스카테고리: Shooter / Gallery
  • 구분: 마메 ( MAME )
  • 년도: 1979
  • 제작사: Nintendo
  • 소스: n8080.c
  • 버젼: .80u2
  • 롬구분: 원본(부모롬)


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Clone Roms Info (클론)

스페이스 피버 하이 스플리터 (세트 2) Space Fever High Splitter (set 2)

스페이스 피버 하이 스플리터 (사운드 교체) Space Fever High Splitter (alt Sound)



# title
# select
# gameover
# score
# flyer
# cabinet
# control panel

History | history.dat

Space Fever High Splitter (c) 1979 Nintendo.
Space Fever High Splitter is another of Nintendo's takes on the "Space Invaders" franchise, only with a twist : if you don't quite hit the alien in the middle, you'll split the alien in two, both of which you'll have to shoot. The alien crafts are arranged in rows and they slowly move left and right across the screen. When the row reaches the edge, the ships drop down a row and move in the opposite direction (one exception : see below). As you shoot more enemies the speed will increase, as will the number of enemy bullets. You have four blocks above you that absorb the enemy shots until they are worn through, and being hit by an enemy shot will cost you a life. Sometimes a UFO will fly along the top of the screen; hit it and you'll get points and a smaller alien, hit the smaller alien and get more points.
There are three different game modes for 1- or 2-player games :
Game A : aliens go down two, up one, down two, up one.
Game B : aliens show up in one up-and-down row, they add a row each time they reach the edge and turn around.
Game C : The same as "Space Invaders" - all the aliens move as one 'block' in the same direction.
Main CPU : 8080 (@ 2.016 Mhz)
Sound CPU : I8035 (@ 400 Khz)
Sound Chips : DAC (@ 400 Khz), SN76477 (@ 400 Khz)
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 224 x 256 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 8
Players : 2
Control : 2-way joystick
Buttons : 1
Lower big alien whole : 30 points
Lower small alien : 10 points
Middle big alien whole : 60 points
Middle small alien : 20 ponts
Upper big alien whole : 90 points
Upper small alien : 30 points
Big UFO : 50-300 points
Little UFO : 500 points
Try hitting the aliens in the middle, as hitting them on the side will split the aliens in two, giving you zero points in the process and adding to the number of shots you'll have to take to finish that round. You'll also earn more points for hitting the bigger aliens in the middle.
1. Space Fever (1979)
2. Space Fever High Splitter (1979)
3. Space Fever II (Nintendo Game Boy)
Characters designed by: Shigeru Miyamoto
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.

, 스페이스피버하이스플리터(세트1)

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