비트매니아 드림스 컴 트루 (버전 JA-A) beatmania featuring Dreams Come True (ver JA-A)
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# title | # select |
# gameover | # score |
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History | history.dat
beatmania Featuring Dreams Come True (c) 2000 Konami.
Follow along with the song by scratching the turntable and pressing the keys as the bars reach the bottom of the screen. If you manage to successfully hit each note on-key perfectly, a combo meter will go up, increasing your score. Do well enough by the end of the song, and you can progress to the next level.
Konami Bemani DJ-Main hardware
Game ID : GX995
Main CPU : 68EC020 (@ 8 Mhz)
Sound Chips : (2x) K054539 (@ 48 Khz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 488 x 384 pixels
Screen refresh : 58.00 Hz
Palette Colors : 4368
Players : 2
Control : dial
Buttons : 5
1. beatmania (1997)
2. beatmania 2nd MIX (1998)
3. beatmania 3rd MIX (1998)
4. beatmania Complete MIX (1999)
5. beatmania 4th MIX - The Beat Goes On (1999)
6. beatmania 5th MIX - Time To Get Down (1999)
7. beatmania Complete MIX 2 (2000)
8. beatmania Club MIX (2000)
9. beatmania CORE REMIX (2000)
10. beatmania Featuring Dreams Come True (2000)
11. beatmania 6th MIX - The UK Underground Music (2001)
12. beatmania 7th - Keepin' Evolution (2002)
13. beatmania - The Final (2002)
Artist management : MS Artists Products, Inc.
Coordinator : Musical Station
* Konami Bemani Staff :
Producer : Koji Okamoto
Director : Yoshihito Kato
Sound producer : Reo Nagumo
Sound director : Kaoko Aoki
CG director : meg-KOHA
CG designers : Light Kisaragi, Hir-Pon, Shio
Programmer : MTSU
Sound data analizers : Takehiko Fujii, dJTAKA, Suji, Jun Wakita, Tomoyuki Uchida, Osamu Migitera
Graphic designer : Mayu Sugiyama
* KCEJ Staff :
Producers : Hideo Kojima, Noriaki Okamura
Director : Hajime Yashiro
Sound director : Hiroyuki Togo
CG designers : Atuko Ito, Masami Kawano
Programmers : Tetsuya Funakubo, Tan Yudon, Motoi Mizobe, Motoaki Nishino
Sound data analizers : oshiyuki Kakuta, Masashi Watanabe
Arranger : Hiroyuki Togo
Music designer : Toshiyuki Kakuta
* Sound Management Staff :
Coordinator : Sumiko Shindo (KME)
Licensing manager : Kazunari Okido (KME)
Japanese - English translator : Scotty D.
* Konami - Remix Sound Staff :
Producer : Seiji Okamoto (Hello good-bye)
Assistant producer : Takaaki Kondo (Hello good-bye)
Director : Koichi Tanaka
Guitar : Shingo Nakamura
Flute : Koji Orita
Engineers : Takeshi Inaba (Otoya), Masaaki Takahashi (Sonata Club)
Studio : Hiipo st., Sonata Club
* Game Version Mixing' Sound Staff :
Mixing engineers : Mitsuyasu Kaneko, Gonta Kawamoto (Studio Sunshine)
Studio : Studio Sunshine, Be Born Studio
* Narration Staff :
Recording engineer : Kenzo Miura (Video Sunmall)
Assistant engineer : Hiroyuki Sukano (Video Sunmall)
Special DJ : Lin Urashima
* Consoles :
Sony PlayStation (2000)
Game's rom.
, 비트매니아드림스컴트루(버전JA-A)
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