코스믹 캅 (세계판) Cosmic Cop (World)

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Roms info

  • 롬파일: cosmccop.zip
  • 사이즈: 695.91 KB
  • 카테고리: 슈팅
  • 소스카테고리: Shooter / Flying Horizontal
  • 구분: 마메 ( MAME )
  • 년도: 1991
  • 제작사: Irem
  • 소스: m72.c
  • 버젼: .66
  • 롬구분: 원본(부모롬)


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Clone Roms Info (클론)

갤럽 - 암드 폴리스 유니트 (일본판) Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan)



# title
# bosse
# gameover
# score

Story | story.dat

갤럽 -Armed Police Unit-
지구에 대해 어떠한 원인에 의해 낙착한 「바이드의 종자」에 의해, 거대 병기의 폭주 사건이 발생.
진압한 것은 군은 아니고 민영의 무장 경찰. 사용된 기체는"R-11".
[출전:R-TYPE OFFICIAL WEB SITE(아이렘소후트웨아엔지니아링)]

History | history.dat

Cosmic Cop (c) 1991 Irem.
A futuristic shoot-em-up from the creators of "R-Type" in which the player takes on the role of a futuristic policeman who must destroy criminal controlled ships.
As with most Irem shoot-em-ups, Cosmo Cop's weapons system is superb. As well as being equipped with the standard front-firing gun and ground targeting missiles (both of which can be upgraded with the retrieval of power-ups), the player's ship is armed with a homing laser that, when activated, emits a constant laser stream towards whatever enemies and bonus capsules are on screen. The laser has an 'Overheat' meter that depletes while the laser is in use. Once the meter is emptied the laser will stop working. The meter gradually refills allowing the player to continue using the laser.
Irem M-84 system hardware
Main CPU : V30 (@ 8 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 3.579545 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.579545 Mhz), DAC (@ 3.579545 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 384 x 256 pixels
Screen refresh : 55.00 Hz
Palette colors : 512
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 4
This game is known in Japan as "Gallop - Armed Police Unit".
Victor Entertainment released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (R-Type Special - VICL-8077) on 22/09/1993.
* Secret Invincibility :
1) Turn Service Mode ON in DIP switch menu.
2) Reset the game with holding UP+Start button.
3) If the game mode starts up instead of the service mode, you were successful (but you need to hold UP+Start button until the title screen shows up).
4) You will be able to start a game with invincibility.
Game's rom.

, 코스믹캅(세계판)

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