마스터 오브 웨폰 (국제판) Master of Weapon (World)

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Roms info

  • 롬파일: masterw.zip
  • 사이즈: 479.33 KB
  • 카테고리: 슈팅
  • 소스카테고리: Shooter / Flying Vertical
  • 구분: 마메 ( MAME )
  • 년도: 1989
  • 제작사: Taito Corporation Japan
  • 소스: taito_b.c
  • 버젼: .37b5
  • 롬구분: 원본(부모롬)


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Clone Roms Info (클론)

Master of Weapon (Japan) Master of Weapon (Japan)

마스터 오브 웨폰 (미국판) Master of Weapon (US)



# title
# bosse
# score
# marquee

Story | story.dat

마스터 오브 웨폰
서기 19 XX년. 제3차 세계대전 발발.
대지는 찢어져 세계를 가린 방사능은 생물의 염색체를 비뚤어지게 해 지구는 이형이 왕래하는 지옥화했다.
인류는 가혹한 생존 경쟁을 이겨 내기 (위해)때문에,
자기 사고형 컴퓨터“갓 시스템”으로 불리는 4체의 컴퓨터를 만들어, 거기에 따르는 것으로 살아남으려고 했다.
서기 200 X년, 1명의 소년이 관리 센터에 보내지려 하고 있었다.
컴퓨터에 관리되는 것에 익숙해진 사람들이, 잃어 버린 자유에의 희망을 가졌기 때문에…….

History | history.dat

Master of Weapon (c) 1989 Taito.
A seven-day nuclear storm brings on a big change on the earth. The earth cracks, the sea boils and the living things change. And human is no exception. After finishing of the cursed 7-day war, the remaining people change their cells and return to the nature in order to endure severe environmental changes. However, a selected part of the people - they had been called scientists - create a computer, which can lead the people in order to leave a seed humankind. This computer is called N.
Taito B System hardware
Prom Sticker : B72
Main CPU : 68000, Z80
Sound Chips : YM2203
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 224 x 320 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 4096
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2
The title on the titlescreen is "Master of Weapon" but the title was probably supposed to be "Master of Weapons" as the marquee says it is.
Master of Weapon was very unpopular, mostly because it was too difficult for its time. Also, it was released during the 'Tetris era' and most of the Master of Weapon boards (Taito B System) were replaced by Sega's Tetris.
A very rare prototype of this game is known as 'Yukiwo'. According to the adviser Senba Takatsuna, Taito Game Sales Department requested to change the game name before the release. 'Yukiwo' is the character name and was also from the first name of the programmer, Yukiwo Ishikawa (Y.I), later known as 'Yukio Abe' and producer of "Rayforce" which the game system was inspired by Master of Weapon.
Senba Takatsuna said the game's development took about 6 months. The Mecha design was inspired by the famous anime 'Akira'.
The music composer Hisayoshi Ogura didn't compose the actual BGM. He only did the arrangement. The actual composer is not credited on the ending staff roll but is V. Osahi. Wthe game changed his name to Master Of weapon, the development needed to be faster. So, V. Osahi remixed sounds from "Jigoku Meguri" and "Fighting Hawk".
Buddhism's symbols appear in Act 1 and Act 6.
Default highscore table (BEST 5) :
1 992300 1 Y.I
2 713000 4 KON
3 314000 4 TET
4 224000 2 T.M
5 191230 1 KYO
Pony Canyon / Scitron released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Taito DJ Station : G.S.M. Taito 5 - PCCB-00037) on 21/08/1990.
* Levels Select : Boot machine with service switch pressed.
Message appears : SERVICE SWITCH ERROR, press 1p Start(x3), service switch, 1p Start.
Message appears : SELECT BY DOWN SW, select level with joy Down/Up and push Start button.
* Good End : If you continue 5 times, you can have access to the last boss, defeat it to see the good end.
* 'Yukiwo' Charater : When you hit specific building in act 1, you can see 'yukiwo' charater written by Kanakata.
* Hidden boss : In act 4, after beating the first boss, small house appears in meadow. If you hit this house, a hidden boss will appears (this boss is the final boss in Metal Black and Galatic Storm).
Directed & produced by : George Jyuttute
Game & character designed by : Yukiwo Ishikawa (Y.I)
Programmed by : George K-5, Takeshi Murata (T.M), Creamy Tetsu (TET), Maryin Kondoh
Art designed by : Yukiwo Ishikawa (Y.I), Takako Kojima, Dandy Yarita, Makoto Fujita, Akira Saitoh, Hisakazu Katoh, Oolong Yamada, Kenji Hazama, Animation 20, Santa Claus
Hardware designed by : Eikichi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Noguchi
Music composed & arranged by : V. Osahi(Pinch Panchi), Hisayoshi Ogura, Yasuhisa Watanabe
Graphic designed by : Hiroyasu Nagai, Kazuo Nakagawa, Animation 20
* Consoles :
Sega Mega Drive (1991)
Sony PlayStation 2 (2007, "Taito Memories II Vol. 2")
Game's rom.

, 마스터오브웨폰(국제판)

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