그라디우스 4: 부활 Gradius 4: Fukkatsu

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Roms info

  • 롬파일: gradius4.zip
  • 사이즈: 13.48 MB
  • 카테고리: 슈팅
  • 소스카테고리: Shooter / Flying Horizontal
  • 구분: 마메 ( MAME )
  • 년도: 1998
  • 제작사: Konami
  • 소스: hornet.c
  • 버젼: .86
  • 롬구분: 원본(부모롬)


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# title
# select
# bosse
# gameover
# score
# flyer
# artwork preview



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Story | story.dat

그라디우스 IV -부활-
전설은 사람들의 기억의 저 쪽으로 떠나 갔다.
그 싸움도 영웅도, 마치 신화의 사건과 같이 느껴지고 그리고 잊을 수 있고 있었다. 그러나, 결코 평화롭지 않았다.
우주로부터의 악마는 나타나지 않았지만, 「적」을 잃은 별의 젊은이는 남아 도는 에너지를 서로 서로 손상시키는 것으로 소화했다.
옛날을 아는 사람들은, 작은 새로운 악이 서서히 커지는 것에 깨닫고 있었다. 별에는 악마와 싸우는 힘은 이제 없었다.
압도적 전력의 전에 항복 직전에 몰리는데 그다지의 시간도 필요하지 않았다.
사람들이 체념하려고 한 그 때에, 그것은 날아올랐다. 사람들의 꿈도 희망도, 그리고 구상도, 모두를 부활시키기 위해!
[출전:그라디우스Ⅳ 공식 HP(코나미)]
벌써 사람들의 기억으로부터는 먼 과거의 일로였다. 파괴 성단“바크테리안”의 이름은 잊고 떠나지려 하고 있었다.
혹성 그라디우스는 부흥해, 평화가 당연한 세상이 되었다. 그러나, 악몽은 다시 방문했다.
압도적인 적전력의 전에, 그라디우스 방위군은 항복 목전이 되었다.
그 때, 그라디우스별의 하늘에, 끊은 1기, 흰 기체가 날아오르는 모습이 있었다...
[출전:그라디우스Ⅳ 인스트(코나미)]

History | history.dat

Gradius IV - Fukkatsu (c) 1999 Konami.
The forth game in the "Gradius" series brings a considerable graphical upgrade, particularly with the use of colored lighting but the core gameplay remains relatively unchanged. In addition, there are several additions and removals to the vaulted weapons system; specifically, the edit mode has been removed.
Konami Hornet Hardware
Main CPU : PPC403 (@ 32 Mhz), 68000 (@ 16 Mhz), ADSP21062 (@ 36 Mhz)
Sound Chips : RF5C400 (@ 36 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 512 x 384 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 65536
Players : 2
Control : 8-way Joystick
Buttons : 3
The title of this game translates from Japanese as 'Gradius IV Revival'.
Konami released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Gradius IV Fukkatsu Original Game Soundtrack - KICA-7947) on 05/03/1999.
* Power meters:
1) Option 1: Nemesis
- Missile: Falls to the ground, then slides along it until it hits something.
- Double: Fires a bullet at 45 degrees up as well as forward.
- Laser: Replaces your bullets with a blue beam.
2) Option 2: Mega-Destruction
- Spread Bomb: Large explosion of death.
- Tail Gun: Fires backwards as well as forwards.
- Laser: The infamous Toothpaste Laser.
3) Option 3: The Third Way
- Photon Torpedo: Similar to standard missile, but goes straight through enemies.
- Double: Fires a bullet at 45 degrees up as well as forward.
- Pulse: Salamander's ripple laser.
4) Option 4: Salamander
- 2-Way: Bombs fall up and down.
- Tail Gun: Fires backwards as well as forwards.
- Pulse: Salamander's ripple laser, in a nice shade of red.
5) Option 5: Harbinger of Doom
- Vertical Mine: Detonates after a delay in a large vertical explosion.
- Double: Fires a bullet at 45 degrees up as well as forward.
- Armour Piercing: Powerful bullets that pass through multiple enemies.
6) Option 6: Vanguard of Chaos
- Flying Torpedo: Twin missiles shoot forward after release.
- Tail Gun: Fires backwards as well as forwards.
- Twin Laser: Last seen in Gradius III, twin sets of short beams.
* 2nd Loop Start : in Power Meter selection screen, input Up(x2), Down(x2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Button-2 (Shot), Button-3 (Missile). You will be able to start the game with 2nd loop and the password will be displayed in Game Over screen. This password was required on 'Gradius IV Internet Ranking' (now, this was finished though).
1. Gradius (1985)
2. Salamander (1986)
3. Gradius 2 (1987, MSX)
4. Gradius II - Gofer no Yabou (1988)
5. Nemesis 3 - The Eve of Destruction (1988, MSX)
6. Gradius III - Densetsu Kara Shinwa-e (1989)
7. Nemesis '90 Kai (1993, Sharp X68000)
8. Salamander 2 (1996)
9. Solar Assault - Gradius (1997)
10. Solar Assault - Revised (1997)
11. Gradius Gaiden (1997, Sony PlayStation)
12. Gradius IV - Fukkatsu (1999)
13. Gradius Generation (2001, Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
14. Gradius V (2004, Sony PlayStation 2)
15. Gradius Neo (2004, NTT DoCoMo i-mode Phones)
16. Gradius Neo Imperial (2005, NTT DoCoMo i-mode Phones)
17. Gradius Wide (2007, NTT DoCoMo i-mode Phones)
18. Gradius Rebirth (2008, Nintendo Wii)
Producer: Hiroyasu Machiguchi
Main Programmer: Ken Midorikawa
Game Programmer: Yasuyuki Nagatomo, Naoki Niihama, Takeshi Asaki, Ken Inagaki
Character Design: Daisuke Yoro, Daisuke Chiba, Ayumu Hasegawa, Jun Omoto, Naoki Morita, Hiroyuki Ashida, Hiromichi Iwashita
Music Composer: Harumi Ueko, Atsuki
Sound Effect: Yoshihiko Koezuka
Hardware Producer: M. Okada
DSP Programmer: NWK
Software Tool Support: Kami
Hardware System Design: H. Konishi
Hardware Design: T. Kobayashi, H. Yamashita
Document Design: Hideaki Minoda
Product Design: Masaaki Uematsu, Kenji Fujinaka
Mechanical Engineer: Yuji Tamura, Yoshinobu Kitami
Director: Hiroyuki Ashida
* Consoles :
Sony PlayStation 2 (2000, "Gradius III & IV")
Sony PSP (2006, "Gradius Collection")
Game's rom.

, 그라디우스4:부활

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