슈퍼 마리오 월드 (닌텐도 슈퍼 시스템 기판) Super Mario World (Nintendo Super System)
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# logo | # title |
# select | # gameover |
# flyer | # cabinet |
# control panel |
Story | story.dat
Super Mario World (Nintendo Super System판)버섯 월드의 평화를 되찾은 마리오와 르이지의 2명은, 피치공주와 천천히 바캉스를 즐기기 위해서(때문에),
아득한 남쪽의 이상한 섬나라, 「공룡 랜드」의 요스타섬으로 여행을 떠났습니다.
그런데 섬에 도착해 머지않아, 피치공주가 돌연 자취을 감추어 버렸습니다.
필사적으로 시마쥬우를 찾아 도는 2명은, 이윽고 섬의 탈락으로 이상한 알을 발견합니다.
가만히 응시하는 2명의 앞에서, 알중에서 나온 것은 기묘한 모습의 드래곤이었습니다.
「욧시」라고 자칭하는 그 드래곤은, 마리오들에게 말을 건넸습니다.
「최근 이 공룡 랜드에 카메의 모습을 한 괴물이 나타나, 마법으로 나 동료들을 알안에 가두어 버렸습니다.
나는 나카이다를 살리러 가려고 했습니다만, 녀석들은 매우 강해서, 결국 나까지 마법에 걸려 버렸습니다….
부탁입니다, 나와 함께 나카이다를 살리러 가 주지 않겠습니까?」
뭐라고 하겠지요. 대마왕 쿠파는 전혀 질리지 않는 것 같습니다. 반드시 피치공주는 쿠파의 부하에게 채였겠지요.
이렇게 해 2명은, 욧시의 동료와 피치히메를 살리기 위해서, 새로운 모험을 시작하게 되었습니다.
[출전:Wii 버추얼 콘솔 슈퍼 패미콘 공식 사이트(닌텐도)]
History | history.dat
Super Mario World (c) 1991 Nintendo.
Just when you thought that Bowser and his Koopalings have already learned their lesson about messing with the Mario Brothers, they are already at it again. The only difference is that Bowser is currently wreaking havoc in the Dinosaur World. Now it's up to Mario and Luigi to rescue Princess Toadstool, save Dinosaur World and hopefully put Bowser and his Koopalings in their place.
The gameplay action is sidescrolling as in previous Mario games and it takes advantage of the SNES's 16-bit graphics and stereo audio. The game consists of a journey through levels in seven worlds: Yoshi's Island, Donut Plains, Vanilla Dome, Twin Bridges Area, Forest of Illusion, Chocolate Island, and the Valley of Bowser. There are also two secret worlds--Star World and Special World (accessed via the Star World)--which can be found by completing secondary goals in specific levels.
SMW contains a map screen on which the player moves, expanding this concept which was introduced in "Super Mario Bros. 3". It features 72 courses laid out across the seven worlds, and 96 exits (some levels have more than one exit). Secret exits open up new routes on the overworld map, often leading to secret levels. If you get all 96 exits you can play in a slightly different world.
The Yoshis appear in 4 different colors (green, yellow, red, and blue), each with slightly different abilities. There are also Baby Yoshis in the Star World levels which can be picked up by Mario. After eating five enemies, three berries, a Super Mushroom, Fire Flower, Starman, or Cape Feather, they will become a fully grown Yoshi of the same color.
Nintendo Super System hardware
Main CPU : G65C816 (@ 3.58 Mhz)
Sound CPU : SPC700 (@ 1.024 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Custom (@ 1.024 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 512 x 480 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 32768
Players : 4
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 6
Super Mario World was the launch title for the Nintendo Super Famicom in 1990, and the Nintendo Super NES in 1991. This marks the debut of Yoshi, Mario and Luigi's dinosaur friend.
The game has often been compared to "Super Mario Bros.", in the sense that both games 'set the bar' for all subsequent sidescrollers released on their respective systems. Super Mario World introduced many now common concepts to action gaming, such as giving the player the ability to revisit levels to find overlooked secrets. It was one of the first games to reward the player for 'getting one-hundred percent' (finding all the secret exits in the levels, many of which lead to secret levels), an idea that has since become very popular. Super Mario World is still considered by many to be one of the greatest games ever because of it's simple, yet creative and addictive gameplay.
All stages with a red marker have more than one way to exit the stage. Fortress, Castle and Switch Palace stages only need to be completed once.
The game changes when you complete the Special Zone stages, which are unlocked after finishing the 5 Star World stages. You must complete the Star World stages using the hidden exit to advance to the next stage. Completing the stage the normal way will go back to the Star Road.
With the Special Zone completed the map screen changes colour, Koopa Troopa changes into Mask Koopa, Jumping Pirahna Plant changes into Jumping Pumpkin Plant and Bullet Bill changes into Pidgit Bill.
Top Secret Area : To access this bonus stage you must be Cape Mario. Enter the Donut Ghost House and fly straight up to the left and run along the ceiling. At the end of the stage are four boxes, each with a 1-Up Mushroom. Unlike Super Mario 3, you can hit all the boxes at once and the lives won't disappear.
Complete Star World 4 (key) to unlock a shortcut to Bowser's Castle through the Star Road.
1. Mario Bros. (1983)
2. Super Mario Bros. (1985, Nintendo Famicom)
3. Super Mario Bros. 2 (1986, Nintendo Famicom)
4. Super Mario Bros. 2 (1988, Nintendo NES) : remake of Yumekojo Doki Doki Panic (1987, Nintendo Famicom)
5. Super Mario Bros. 3 (1988, Nintendo Famicom)
6. Super Mario Land (1989, Nintendo Game Boy)
7. Super Mario World (1991, Nintendo Super Famicom)
8. Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (1992, Nintendo Game Boy)
9. Super Mario Land 3 - Wario Land (1993, Nintendo Game Boy)
10. Yoshi's Island - Super Mario World 2 (1995, Nintendo Super Famicom)
11. Super Mario 64 (1997, Nintendo 64)
12. Super Mario Sunshine (2002, Nintendo Gamecube)
13. Yoshi's Island DS (2006, Nintendo DS)
14. New Super Mario Bros (2006, Nintendo Dual Screen)
15. Super Mario Galaxy (2007, Nintendo Wii)
Main director : Takashi Tezuka
Map director : Hidequi Konno
Area director : Katsuya Eguchi
Program director : Toshihiko Nakago
Mario and system programmer : Toshio Iwawaki
Object programmer : Kazuaki Morita
Background programmers : Shigehiro Kasamatsu, Tatsunori Takakura
Map programmer : Tatsuo Nishiyama
Area data input : Yoshihiro Nomoto, Eiji Noto, Satoru Takahata
Character graphic designer : Shigefumi Hino
Sound composer : Koji Kondo
Producer : Shigeru Miyamoto
Executive producer : Hiroshi Yamauchi
* Consoles :
Nintendo Super Famicom (1990)
Nintendo Game Boy Advance (2002, "Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World")
Nintendo Wii (2007, "Virtual Console")
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.
, 슈퍼마리오월드(닌텐도슈퍼시스템기판)
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